Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disney Magic

Sooo Today I am going to start off my blog with my first Disney Magical Moment!!

Now... normally magical moments are moments cast members create for guests... but this time it was the other way around! About 7 of us went for Dinner at wendy's tonite and sat next to this amazing couple from texas who's son had done the college program. So we chatted with them pretty much the entire dinner and at one point, they were asking us all our different roles in the group (the loud one, the quiet one, the "mom") and when they got to who's the "mom" of the group, everyone immediatly pointed to me. So We kinda giggled about that and moved on to a convo about Krispy Kreme Donuts and about how us Canadians miss it! Ty and I completly fell in love with this couple so we happened to have some things on us from our home towns (pens and pins) so we gave it to them and Well... fast forward to them leaving. The gentleman came up to me and was like.. "Well mom, take care of everyone and make sure their eating properly" and at this point he goes to shake my hand... next thing I know...there is 10 bucks in my hand and he's like.. "don't say anything to them... but just go and buy everyone a dozen donuts from Krispy Kreme" I tried to argue but he would have nothing of it so I just gave him a huge hug and thanked him.

Today was a kinda rando day. Matt. Cherish, Allie and I went to the Florida Mall and had a crazy cab driver... guh... if you wanna hear the story.. ask me it.. it is definitly a R rated story at several times for containing course I bought a few new tops and a new dress.
We got home and went for dinner at wendys, which the story is above, and then we went to our throw in! I can't say much... except... this is going to be the best year of my life I think!!! I got assigned a big brother named daniel (sorry if I spelled that wrong!) who is absolutly amazing! we got kicked out by security and he came running after me to introduce himself. I'm pretty sure I'm gunnna go to his birthday party on saturday with a bunch of friends and then we're going to parliment, which is a club.

I honestly have not stopped since I got here... Everything is amazing... I don't think I've stopped smiling. The people I met online are completly surpassing my expections of how awesome I thought they would be. This is the happiest I've been in like forever... (sorry! totally didn't mean to make this a blog about but I'm still in awe of everything!
BUT it is 2:12am and I should prolly get some sleep!

Quote of the day:
"So I told my daughter '#$%*& pick one [Shampoo] or it's suave!" -crazy taxi driver. lol
(sorry Colin for the lackage of ty quote... he wasn't that funny today.. haha jk Ty!)

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