Saturday, August 2, 2008


So the past few weeks have been pretty uneventful. I have just been spending lots of time with my friends and enjoying the life I get to live down here! One of my friends from the UK went to visit her bro in toronto for a week and brought me back timbits which I got on monday! I'm definitly missing timmies.. I'd give my left arm for an ice cap about now! lol

I had Monday/Tuesday off this week so on monday I went shopping with Jenn to find her an outfit for girls on monday night where we met up with Katie, the girls president. I came home and texted jo so we took off to wally world together. while I was waiting for the bus, katie showed up and the three of us went to walmart together. When we got back from wal-mart, we decided to take off to dinner and went to planet hollywood. Delish meal and amazing atmosphere. Definitly need to go back there! I skipped girls on monday night and just ended up watching a DVD with one of my merchies and then called in an early night.

Tuesday was amazing. I got up early and went to lisa and em's place. Lisa, Hayley, Derek and I all had the day off so we went thru my guide book and decided to do this pontoon boat tour thing. So we took off to Winter Park and we all completly fell in love. This was the cutest little town ever. When we got there, we had 45 mins to wait for the boat tour so we went up a few blocks to this little french cafe. delish! The boat tour was really cool. the guide pointed out a lot of really cool things as well as Rollins College which is home to an art gallery that owns over 5,000 pieces. So after the boat tour, we went up to the college and checked out the art gallery. After Winter Park, we decided to check out the prime outlets and got some GREAT shopping in. got some things I needed (and some I didn't!)

Thats really been the only excitement I've had in the past few weeks, so please understand why I haven't been updating! lol I know its a boring post but I'll try and be more exciting soon!

Monday, July 14, 2008

ok ok.. geez

I know... I suck... but I promise this blog will make up for it all!

Work is absolutly amazing. I am having a total blast and I love meeting new people and telling people about Canada! It really is the best part of the day when I get to meet Canadians visiting the pavillion! I get my picture taken at least 2-3 times a day.

I've met some of the greatest friends here... I'm hoping to bring Meg and Alastair (two f&b from the UK) back up to Canada for a little break hopefully first weekend in December!

I've been doing LOTS... I've done three out of four parks several times. Aunt Dianne came up a week ago for a visit. So we went and did a bunch of the rides and then decided to go for a walk around the world. I took them to canada and showed them where I work and to go see the movie. We finished the day off in mexico with a delicious dinner.

Yesterday was really cool! we have a bunch of new people coming on Tuesday and one of the girls I've been talking to (from Port Elgin!) came to visit me at work!

I'm getting a new roommate so hopefully its a canadian cuz I'm out numbered in the apartment! lol I'm really sorry for being sooo absent! I promise to try and update more!

Monday, June 23, 2008


So today was my first day of actual work... no more being trained! I was actually put into rotation and I had an absolute BLAST my first day!! I love talking to the guests and telling them all about canada and different things we have up there. I also love learning about the guests. One guy that came into the store tonight makes the ice for the New Jersey Devils. I thought that was really cool. Another family was having difficulty taking a pic of their two daughters. I went out and asked if they would like a family picture taken of them. The parents were a little reluctant saying the girls would not co-operate and did not want to waste my time... so I bent down to talk to the girls and told them if they posed for just 1 nice picture for their mom and dad.. I may have a surprise in the store for them. The picture turned out beautifuly and I went inside and gave them some mickey stickers. They were absolutly estatic. So that was kinda a warm and fuzzy moment today. I've had my picture taken about a million times and I get to chit chat all day long.. I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy this job!!! (although my feet don't!)

After work, we headed to the house of blues for industry night. It was really crowded and took us forever to get in and have a drink. so note to self and all other who go to industry night-go early!!

I also spoke on the phone with a friend that is coming on Tuesday. I can't believe a new arrivial group is arriving already! Where did the time go!? I can't believe I've been here two weeks already! Absolutly INSANE!

Well, I am exhausted... but I will leave you with dumb guest quote of the day!!

Quote of the day: (not said to me, but to a co-worker who later told us)
Guest:Is that a golfball?
Co-worker: No sir, that would be a thimble


Thursday, June 19, 2008


Wow! I suck at this blog thing! haha sorry everyone! I've been soooo crazy busy and when I am home, I'm exhausted. so here is a re-cap of the past few days

Saturday: I went to Hollywood Studios and epcot. The really cool part of the day was the night. I went to the movies (the movie itself was horrible) but we were just walking around Downtown Disney. We went to the house of blues store and virgin records and then walked around pleasure island. it was like a whole new world! I cannot believe I am living here!!!

Sunday- I had my merchtainment class..... it... was the devil.

monday- I had my first day of on the job training! it was really cool! I actually got to go into the pavillion and out on stage. I was given a tour of the pavillion and went to watch the movie... and then it hit me... I am at fricken disney for a year!!! I definitly started crying watching the film. I felt like such a geek!! lol

Tuesday- I had the day off yesterday- so yesterday morning I got up early and went to hollywood studios with Dustin, another guy from Canada merch! We went to do a bunch of the rides first thing. we got on really quickly! and then I headed back home to meet up with lindsay. we tried to do go to epcot but something was hit by lightening and all of the rides were shut down... boooo so I have still yet to do the rides. I've only done soarin and malestrom (which I did today, wednesday) Lindsay and I had a great time catching up (for those who don't know, Linds and I both went to cambrian just at different times... we met on msn before we came out here.) Then we went to a pub and I met a bunch of people who just arrived before me. it was a crazy good night!

Today- was probaly one of the best days I have ever had! Ty msgs me this morning and invites me to go with him to get his licensing crap all done... so we hop in the truck and head out. It really sucks that they got put into patterson. I really miss everyone so I'm definitly always excited when I get a chance to hang out with one of them. So ty and I had a good time catching up. Then Joakim, one of the norweigan guys, got on msn and we decided to go pick up our FIRST pay cheques! we decided to do a few of the rides while we were there... but there were no fast passes available so we just went to the norway pavillion to do the ride there. A girl who was working the attraction came up to Joakim and started talking to him in thing I know, we're in the fastpass line! (completly missing an hour wait!) I asked what she had said and I guess all she asked was if he was norweigan and he shouldn't have to wait in line cuz he's actually from there! So that in itself was soooo flippin cool! well, next thing I know... we're in the boat... ALONE! the boat fits like 15 people and we got on it by ourselves!!! it was definitly a super cool moment!!

So sorry everyone for the delay! I am having an absolute blast here and this was the BEST decision of my LIFE!!! again sorry, but here's a pic from tuesday at the Hollywood studios!

Friday, June 13, 2008


So... My advice to everyone who is required to do Tradtions... DO.NOT.DRINK.THE.NIGHT.BEFORE! haha today was like... brutal... it was a lot of fun... but I think I would have enjoyed it more if I was feeling more up to it. I won a little daisy and minnie mouse for participation. We got our schedules and it kinda hit us we're all being split up. Which sucks cuz right now it feels like we're just on holidays or like a conference. But different people are doing different merchtainment classes... so we are all getting split up which sucks majorly.
I am farrr to exhausted to really type out the entire MK day so I will when I wake up in the morning. Sorry!!!

Quote of the day: "Protein Spill? I think I have one of those before I go to the gym?" -Scott

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Today was another CRAZY day!! haha. So much for it being my relaxing day!

We didn't have anything until noon today so I got to stay in and catch up with a few of my favourite brits who have yet to arrive ;) I miss talking to them all day so this morning was "mint" lol

Immigration and banking was boring...but had to be done... and then I met these guys named Alastair and Scott. Turns out Alastair is my neighbour! We went over to the outlet mall and I found shoes for traditions tomorrow. (really ugly but ugh.. oh well) and then we met up with Mel in starbucks and then headed back to my apartment.

Matt msged me when we got back asking me to go to the guitar store with him so off we went to the guitar centre and it was absolutly UNREAL... Sitting there listening to him play guitar was sooo surreal. Like, I've heard his songs online... but hearing him play in person was just great! :) We got back to the commons and decided to head to the outlets for a bite to eat. When we got back, we headed over to patterson court for a pool party with special guest appearence from jasmine and aladin! After the pool party we went back to Patterson and decided to have a glass of wine.... but a warning to all put in patterson... BUY A CORKSCREW IF YOU ENJOY WINE!!!!! lol I knocked on every flippin door looking for a corkscrew and nothing... so we finally gave up and went for a cold drink at the vending machine. When we got back, Megan and Matt had disappeared and we just figured they went to bed. So we decided cuz it was such a NICE night to hold our own little parking lot party... so we all sat in a cirlcle in the middle of the driveway chatting. We sat there for like 20 mins until these people called us up to their apartment. We thought there was like... 5 people in there. We got up there and the room was full of mexicans and megan came running up to us excited she finally knew people! So the 5 of us (Alastair, Scott, Megan, Mel and I) got chatting and then I heard a very familiar "Oi!" Matt had stood up and was in the middle of the party. lol the party was just absoulte chaos. I can't remember when I laughed so hard!!

Well, I'm off to bed.. I am EXHAUSTED and I gotta get up in a few hours for traditions!!! I'll post more later!!

Quote of the day: To be honest, spending the day with Alastair and scott... there are WAAAYYY to many!!! haha

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Disney Magic

Sooo Today I am going to start off my blog with my first Disney Magical Moment!!

Now... normally magical moments are moments cast members create for guests... but this time it was the other way around! About 7 of us went for Dinner at wendy's tonite and sat next to this amazing couple from texas who's son had done the college program. So we chatted with them pretty much the entire dinner and at one point, they were asking us all our different roles in the group (the loud one, the quiet one, the "mom") and when they got to who's the "mom" of the group, everyone immediatly pointed to me. So We kinda giggled about that and moved on to a convo about Krispy Kreme Donuts and about how us Canadians miss it! Ty and I completly fell in love with this couple so we happened to have some things on us from our home towns (pens and pins) so we gave it to them and Well... fast forward to them leaving. The gentleman came up to me and was like.. "Well mom, take care of everyone and make sure their eating properly" and at this point he goes to shake my hand... next thing I know...there is 10 bucks in my hand and he's like.. "don't say anything to them... but just go and buy everyone a dozen donuts from Krispy Kreme" I tried to argue but he would have nothing of it so I just gave him a huge hug and thanked him.

Today was a kinda rando day. Matt. Cherish, Allie and I went to the Florida Mall and had a crazy cab driver... guh... if you wanna hear the story.. ask me it.. it is definitly a R rated story at several times for containing course I bought a few new tops and a new dress.
We got home and went for dinner at wendys, which the story is above, and then we went to our throw in! I can't say much... except... this is going to be the best year of my life I think!!! I got assigned a big brother named daniel (sorry if I spelled that wrong!) who is absolutly amazing! we got kicked out by security and he came running after me to introduce himself. I'm pretty sure I'm gunnna go to his birthday party on saturday with a bunch of friends and then we're going to parliment, which is a club.

I honestly have not stopped since I got here... Everything is amazing... I don't think I've stopped smiling. The people I met online are completly surpassing my expections of how awesome I thought they would be. This is the happiest I've been in like forever... (sorry! totally didn't mean to make this a blog about but I'm still in awe of everything!
BUT it is 2:12am and I should prolly get some sleep!

Quote of the day:
"So I told my daughter '#$%*& pick one [Shampoo] or it's suave!" -crazy taxi driver. lol
(sorry Colin for the lackage of ty quote... he wasn't that funny today.. haha jk Ty!)